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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

John Schaech tweets new film to start filming tomorrow with Vincent D'Onofrio...


Johnathon Schaech @JohnSchaech
Start shooting new film with Vincent D'Onofrio tomorrow. Should be fun, details to come...

I tweeted him back and asked if it could be 'Homefront', 'A Fall From Grace' or 'Supreme Ruler' and he sent me a Direct Message.  To those who don't have Twitter or know, that's a private message that others can't view.  I follow him but he doesn't follow me so I couldn't answer him back in the Direct Message mode.  All he sent was a heart symbol followed by a smiley symbol then another heart symbol.  So I tweeted him publicly and called him a tease, LOL.  I will be waiting to hear the details and will post when I find out.  According to his Facebook page he is currently in England.


  1. Nantz I'm sure he is a tease in more ways than one. What a cutie.

  2. He's gorgeous. He used to be married to Christina Applegate.

  3. Oh wow a buddy of mine here is friends with Christina. Mattie used to live in Calif. and moved to Baltimore (I'm not sure if she's from here originally) about 8 years ago. She's also friends with Rain Pryor (Richard Pryor's daughter) who also lives here in B-more. Rain is married to a good friend of mine, Yale and they have a beautiful daugther together. Wow talk about small degrees of separation.

  4. Yes, Johnathon is from Baltimore, right in your neck of the woods, vikeau. Nice 'Six Degrees'.
