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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Another 'Chained' review from FFF2012...


FFF criticism: Chained


Life is too short for a film like Chained . The story about a serial killer who kidnapped a nine year old boy and tried to raise him as his successor, is a lesson in frustration (on the part of the audience) and overestimation (on the part of director).

He starts really good. The first fifteen minutes, the Rabbit, the name, the Bob is the boy who is thrust into this new and terrible world, works very well, but then commits the film a fatal mistake: He jumps ten years into the future and tells the rest of the story from the perspective of the elderly and of course totally disturbed Rabbit. This one is out as viewers of the film, we follow the rest from a long distance, because you can build up to either of the two figures a relationship - except, perhaps, he himself is a serial killer, that would probably help.What Chained to but right Frustration film makes is the brilliant acting performance of his main characters: Vincent D'Onofrio as Bob, Evan Bird and Eamon Farren as younger and older Rabbit. Had these skills embedded in a reasonable production and a good script, a great film would have been possible. Yet in this regard fails Jennifer Chambers Lynch, daughter of David Lynch, unfortunately. Her production drags predictable and tough until the end behämmerten completely gone. There is not one second of humor and only an unexpected turn (see keyword "behämmert"), otherwise stifled the film on his own importance. The director answered a few questions after the film and said, Chained would be cut in the United States only to come "to the movies because it's too intense and feels too real. " It could also be another way: For every minute that you are of Chained not surveying is a good minute.2/5 because of the great acting performance.

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