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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Some more new 'Chained' stills...



  1. I was wondering--is that Rabbit's Mom's license? I've been trying to figuar out what he has in his hand that would make him cry so.

  2. Vikeau it looks like a license, I don't have mine in front of me and can't remember if mine has writing on the back, shows how ofter I take it out of my wallet LOL

  3. That's what I think it is too. As more and more stills and different clips are released it gets more heart-breaking what this young boy endured. Especially seeing him under a table crying for his mother. And, as we now know, barely any food to eat.

  4. That's what I'm hating, seeing this cute little boy being abused. It's a movie, but at the same time realizing how many little children are abused in this country alone, it's disturbing.

  5. Exactly, which goes to show you that this young actor has done what he was supposed to in evoking these reactions/feelings in us.

  6. That scene of the little boy under the table is just heartwrenching, more than the gore it's the emotional quotient I find hard to handle. Not sure if I can take it, but would love to....I sure hope they had a good party after filming was done to bring up their spirits.

  7. Fantasic new banner. Captures the essence of "chained". Oooow.

  8. sullie, couldn't agree with you more. The blood doesn't bother me but the kid in anguish holding the only picture he probably has of his mother with her driver's license could kill me. Thank you, vikeau!
