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Monday, July 30, 2012

Happy Birthday, Vikeau!

Happy Birthday, Victoria...hope you have a wonderful day and thank you for all your support of my site!


  1. Happy Birthday Victoria, hope your day is going great!

  2. Happy Happy birthday! I had no idea your name was Victoria...I've only ever seen your posting name! :) Have a great day and I hope it's full of surprises!

  3. Victoria is a lovely name, always sounds so distinguished to me. Didn't know that was your name either, also didn't know it is your birthday today! HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I love that pic. of you and Vincent. Always enjoy your comments on the blogs. Have a greaT DAY!!

  4. First off thank you all very much. I so enjoy visiting this site. It's fun and informative. The day started off great. LOCI marathon on USA, so I decided not to go to work. And then "all you can eat" Maryland steamed crabs with some friends. Really good day. And this IS the cherry on the cake. By the way, I'm one month younger than Vincent to the day. Although on FB I'm 49 for the second time. LOL

  5. I had no idea her name was Victoria either until I saw her on Facebook, LOL. And me studying French for 5 years didn't connect on 'Vikeau'. It sounds like you had a great day, vikeau. Steamed crabs...I'm jealous.

  6. Never had steamed crabs, but I live a long long ways from the ocean, but I would love to try them someday.

  7. Sandy one of these days--even if I had to pack them in dry ice and bring them to you personally. Or maybe just a Maryland crab cake. I really think I've lived in Maryland as long as I have because of the seafood.LOL Talk about a sense of humor-- the full name is Victoria Regina. Really Mom and Dad?

  8. (Belated) Happy Birthday, Victoria! Great picture of you and Vincent!
