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Sunday, July 15, 2012

'Chained'...another picture of the day

Does anyone else think that one of the 'tasks' Rabbit has is to clip out any newspaper references to Bob's serial killings?


  1. Yes, and make a scrapbook of all the clippings, he is sitting there with his little glue stick.

  2. Kinda sick, huh? Especially because I think he is probably having Rabbit do it because he is 'grooming' him for the life of a serial killer.

  3. I'm finding this more and more disturbing..
    I don't want to know Vincent as a serial killer..I want to think of him always as Bobby Goren.

  4. That's what I'm thinking, he is grooming the little boy, have to wonder if Bob was groomed by his dad? I can see how this movie would be disturbing to some, you can see Vincent will be giving one hell of a performance. Have always been interested in what makes people like this tick, the mind of a serial killer, wonder if there will be some of this and some of that, a combination of different famous serial killers, in the script and his performance?

  5. Judith, I think more people remember Vincent from his portrayal of 'Pyle' in 'FMJ' over LOCI because of the intensity of his character. Not that I don't love me some Bobby Goren but to have him go the extreme opposite of the spectrum is mind-blowing. Rose, I am looking forward to the psychological angle in this movie. Sure, they'll throw in the gory parts that will have you recoil in horror but to have a movie that fucks with your mind stays with you.

  6. I love movies that fuck with your mind, just by looking at the trailer and the photos it appears that Vincent has a serial killer down pat. I agree with the portrayal of Pyle, my husband knows a lot of Vietnam Vets, and that is THE movie, and Pyle is a character that one would definitely not forget. Wonder if Vincent will ever do another serial killer in a movie, I'm guessing not, I love all the different roles he takes, some actors get stuck taking the same or similar type movie roles, could never see him doing that. Really upsets me when an actor or musician just does stuff for the money, and sells themselves out. Sometimes with commercials and a band that I really liked at one time, you hear their music in a commercial, and it's like wow, really, that was necessary.

  7. That picture is so sad, Rabbit making the scrap book while chained up, and the horrible bed. Having said that, I can't wait to see it. It sucks that Vincent left CI, but if we get to see him play characters like Bob, or Hagan in 'Fire with Fire', then I can live with repeats of CI, to see him in new movies. Thanks for all the pictures and info, we get absolutely nothing about his movies down here in Aus.

  8. Rose, I think his playing intense roles like in 'Chained' and even 'The Cell' comes with a heavy toll. He has said in the past that his research for 'The Cell' gave him nightmares. That's why I was somehat surprised that he would revisit such a dark type of role like in 'Bob'. I'm guessing that it was a thrill to work with Jennifer Lynch and to do something that 'scares' him. For me, I am silently jumping up and down that he is in a film where he is front and center...right where I think he should be despite being a 'character actor'. Leigh, thank you so much for your nice comments. I am really surprised to hear that there is no news about Vincent's movies in OZ when he has family there, has done movies there, visits on a regular basis and is very much respected by your fellow Australians. I'm glad I can be here to keep you up to date and I really appreciate your visits.

  9. Judith, I am just tuning in to these blogs and reading what everyone's opinions are, and I have stated my opinion on it as well....Yes, Goren was GREAT, and while I won't be watching this movie, I am glad others will watch it and have the right to do so. It is each of our individual rights to see it or not. I know there are a lot of us vixens that loved the movieThe Valocity of Gary...I watched it a while back on T>V> and while the pics released of it before rather repulsed me, The movie did even further. So, I choose to think about the ones I like and LOCI. Don't get me wrong...I can tolerate the Gay community and Gays, I have some in my family. I still love them and will no t speak ill of them. I do not mean to be talking out of both sides of my mouth, so to speak. Anyway I still love Vincent!!!

  10. Sandy I couldn't watch the Cell, not that this type of movie bothers me, it doesn't, even own it, but could not put myself through watching Jennifer Lopez, but some family members of mine like the movie. I remember reading that Vincent did some research for the Cell, serial killers, and reading about that is way different then actually transforming yourself and become one on film. I would be very bothered and emotionally scarred transforming myself into that type of mindset. I do a lot of reading on this topic, but the day that I can understand the why, somebody does these horrific acts is the day I stop reading this material. Just interested about the upbringing, nurture and environment, or was one completely born evil. He definitely has the soulless eyes of a killer down, it amazes me when I look at the pictures.

  11. Sandy, I viewed 'The Velocity of Gary' as a tragic type of film that celebrated life no matter what the lifestyle was. Not one of my favorites but I do have the DVD. Sandy, I guess I was so caught up in the breath-taking cinematography in 'The Cell' that it tamped down the horror that it also showed. The only thing that bothered me about Jennifer Lopez in the film was that it seemed like a type of fashion show with her scenes and it became too distracting. However, I really liked her in 'Selena' and thought she did a great job in that movie.

  12. Tarsem Singh, has dramatic and dreamlike visions, he took REM's song Losing My Religion and made one of the most incredible music videos, I love watching intense well done videos. He put all these religious symbols in the video, even though the song has nothing to do with religion. I'm going to have to attempt to watch the Cell again, just making believe Lopez isn't in it LOL

  13. Rose I find it hard to believe that Vincent would bring in 'copied' traits from other serial killers into this,he ALWAYS does his own thing and his own interpretation into every role. He mentioned in a interview that when he filmed this he asked Jennifer to get all the worst scene's filmed consecutively. To get that all behind him.I personally LOVE such films and Judith I also loved Bobby Goren very much but Bobby is only one part of Vincent, there is so much more. I'am very much looking forward to this film.

  14. I never said Vincent would bring in copied traits, I was talking about the script, seriously how many brand new ideas about serial killers are there for movies? I'm not saying this movie doesn't have some startling scenes, and I'm sure he gives one hell of a performance, which I already said. So, I'm not attacking Vincent in anyway, don't have no reason to, I thought we were just throwing out ideas about the film, but guess some of us weren't. I also love these type of movies, and also love reading true crime books, and am looking forward to this movie.

  15. I've only watched "The Cell" once. A beautifully made movie but very disturbing. What I love about VDO is his ability to morph from one character to the next while maintaining the intergrity of self. While I'm going to find "Chained" disturbing, I think VDO as a white supremist in "Fire with Fire" is goingto be far more disturbing and unsettling for me.

  16. Rose, Singh is an artist, plain and simple. I was transported by the visuals in 'The Cell'. Except I didn't like the ladies that whispered...they scared the shit out of me, LOL. REM is one of my favorite bands. 'Everybody Hurts' is a stunning song. I don't think you were saying Vincent copied anything regarding serial killers but got the essence of all that research in order to take him to that place where he could assume his portrayal. vikeau, interesting comment about 'Fire With Fire'. I think that portraying a dark character like 'Bob' is every actor's dream of going totally opposite of one's own character and we the audience can stomach that because we understand everyone has that in them. But, to portray ugliness of heart in a white supremacist strikes a chord with more people than would a serial killer. We are more desensitized because of the news but hearing about the other is more shocking and perhaps harder to understand. I know I couldn't take on such a role and I'm sure Vincent probably wrestled with it too. Maybe if Hagan gets killed in the film it justified it in his mind.

  17. Thank-you Nantz, I'm looking forward to watching Vincent in Chained, looking forward to the movie as well, but I have a feeling that my eyes will be directed to him and his performance. Taking on a role as a white supremacist, I'm going to guess also he struggled and wrestled about taking that role. We certainly are desensitized from the news and online news articles, after awhile you just wait for the next big, horrible thing to happen. REM is my favorite band, use to never miss them when they performed if I could, and Everybody Hurts, is a great song, great video, and mostly written by Bill Berry, even though all four of them take credit with everything they have done.
