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Saturday, July 21, 2012

Bob gets sewn up...

I just noticed that the photo I have of Bob's wounded eye in my banner is being sewn up in the photo above...look close and see the needle and thread.  Pretty awesome visual effects.


  1. I finally got that visual out of my mind ... and now its back... Yikes

    Though I did date a Rugby player who had a fellow player sew his cut cheek while he sat on the sideline ... Men.

  2. The cut doesn't bother me so much-- because my eyes were drawn directly to the stubble beneath the nose. And Frances Rugby players are notorious for being "manly men".

  3. It really looks like he is being stitched up for real, amazing what they can now do with special effects.

  4. LOL, sorry, Frances. I think back on watching 'First Blood' with Sly Stallone and him sewing up his arm. vikeau, no one does stubble better than Vincent D'Onofrio. Rose, I have looked at this photo a million times and the black string always bothered me because I at first thought it was a hair and I know Vincent doesn't have long black hair. Then I zoomed and saw the needle. I like the pleasant look on Vincent's face. It must take a lot of patience to sit there hours on end to have a special effects artist do that incredible work.

  5. The stitches do look very realistic, and Vincent looks very calm sitting there being sewn up. I hate getting stitches. At the moment I have a 6" incision from my hysterectomy which was stitched up, although thankfully I was still under general anaesthetic, as there is a lot of stitches.

    I love the stubble as well, I always prefer it to clean shaven. The only person who I think looks better than VDO with stubble is my husband. He has a goatee, and I really like it when he has a few days off work and doesn't shave, so he has stubble as well.

  6. Sorry, that should have read "there ARE a lot of stitches". I'm a teacher, and it's important to me that I write correctly.

  7. Leigh, I hope your recovery is going well for you.

  8. Rose, I'm getting better every day, thanks for your concern :-)

  9. Oh Leigh I hope your recovery goes well. Prayers and positive engergy that your recovery goes well and without a hitch.

  10. I echo the others sentiments, Leigh. As you heal physically I hope that you are OK emotionally too. Many good wishes for your recovery.
