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Thursday, May 31, 2012

VIDEO: Vincent D'onofrio posing for Self-Defense Pics

Published on May 31, 2012 by ChrisCarrful At a recent public appearance Vincent D'onofrio graciously agreed to pose for some pictures to help promote a women's self-defense class. He's a great sport!


  1. Aaaw! That's so cool! He was having a good time doing it. You can see that.

  2. Careful there Chris, your foot seems a bit close to the family jewels. LOL

  3. VDO belly shot 0:25 into video.

  4. That was really nice of him to do that, hopefully this will help Chris's class, and she will get more clients. And I wouldn't want to get Chris angry, I'd be on the ground in about 3 seconds LOL

  5. Cool!!!!! Lucky girl going hand to hand with him!!!

    Nantz, there's an award for you on my bloggie.

  6. I could have had my foot firmly planted in his low section and I would have been oblivious. My focus was so much on not falling...I had that left knee completely reconstructed about 3 months ago so maintaining my balance was more challenging than usual. Falling would have been humiliating.

  7. It's obvious you were completely into it, and that's what really makes it so special.

  8. This just makes me smile and giggle, Chris. What a lucky , lucky woman you are! And what a wonderful guy and good sport he is! A person can tell you are a lawyer by observing what a confident person you appear as. Your training in self defense physically and mentally as a lawyer definitely shows. And he is having as much fun as you ladies were. Awesome job!!!

  9. Wow, thanks for sharing this. It feels like we can share in it as well. Chris you are one lucky woman! Although I would have gone into a complete dance move when that song came on :)

  10. Chris, that's why I had to ask a while back if you were the same woman I saw in a WHEELCHAIR a few months back. Absolutely fantasic that your rehab has gone so well. I'm sure being in good shape before hand helped a lot as well. Besides if you fell I'm sure Vincent would have caught you. LOL

  11. Vincent had surgery on his knee too...from his days filming FMJ. I like that he wanted to participate when he heard it was self defense for women...what a guy.

  12. This was SO special to watch!! Very proud of Chris and Vincent for doing this!! The man is such a sweetheart!!

  13. Vikeau, can you contact me at calico2@zoominternet.net please? Thanks!

  14. My favorite part was when Vincent became the director for a moment and switched positions with Chris so the picture would favor her pose.

    This was great fun!

  15. I had heard it before but I know for sure now, he is a man without an ego. He seemed much more comfortable doing something like this than he was sitting and signing autographs. I swear he was looking forward to it because he felt useful. If I had picked up on that I definitely would have planned something more involved but I was so afraid of taking up his time. It was over way too fast.

  16. As soon as those beautiful hands came near my face I'd be done, LOL.
