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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

Best wishes for a Happy Mother's Day including stepmothers,  those who care for pets, who babysit or work in daycare, those who nurture and mentor others.  You are all appreciated.


  1. Happy Mother's Day to all. I hope you all have the day you deserve.

  2. Thank you, and wishing everyone that Nantz included a Happy Mother's Day too. My Mom is with me 24-7..Has been for 13 years now. And even though some days are gettin harder to get thru(she is 87 this month), I am very glad she is still around!

  3. Sandy I'm sure glad your mom is still around also, you are very lucky. Happy Mother's Day to all of you, whether you have human babies, or fur babies, which include my two daughters, and all their great dogs and cats!
