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Thursday, April 4, 2013

'A Conversation With Vincent D'Onofrio' at the SAG Foundation April 10th


SAG Foundation Conversations presents A Conversation with Vincent D’Onofrio
Start Date: 4/10/2013Start Time: 7:00 PM
End Date: 4/10/2013End Time: 8:30 PM
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Event Description
SAG Foundation Conversations presents A Conversation with Vincent D’Onofrio
Wed, April 10, 2013 at 7pm
FREE ADMISSION for SAG Members and Baruch Students only
(reservations required at the BPAC box office, or call 646-312-5073)

SAG Foundation Conversations presents a discussion with the acclaimed film and television actor Vincent D’Onofrio. 

Baruch Performing Arts Center
Baruch College: 25th St. (bet. 3rd and Lexington Aves.), NYC
To make reservations, call (646) 312-5073
Contact Information:
Name: Box Office
Phone: 646-312-5073

R.I.P. Roger Ebert

Below is a video in which Siskel and Ebert reviewed 'Full Metal Jacket'...Roger wasn't impressed with the movie but thought Vincent was good. It turned into a heated argument between the duo. Roger Ebert passed away from cancer which had come back after being afflicted years back when he had most of his jaw removed. Just recently, he had fallen for the second time and broke a bone and when it was found the cancer had returned. His courage and inspiration will be remembered in facing the public with his deformed face for an article that shocked many. It did not stop him from continuing his reviews that were written because he could no longer speak nor could he eat and took nutrition through a feeding tube. There's an aisle seat for you in Heaven, Roger; rest easy.

Travel information for charity event in Utah with Vincent D'Onofrio...

Someone from the Utah area has posted this additional information for those planning to attend the charity event coming up on April 18th and 19th...